We developed the plugin allowing to integrate CloudLinux operating system and ISPmanager panel . The module works on CloudLinux 5, but on CloudLinux 6 он it does not work!
Current version: 0.1.2
Current plugin posaibilities include:
CloudLinux standard limits editing:

CloudLinux limits editing for template:

CloudLinux limits editing for separate user:

Cuttent user load monitoring:

CloudLinux limits are changed by tariff switch so that the plugin doesn’t need any changes in billing to work properly.
While using BillManager as billing system one can transfer dedicated resources of CloudLinux via standard way "Service maintenance ".
Plugin is tested with ISPmanager-stable and ISPmanager-beta The plugin requires ISPmanager-Pro and CloudLinux 5 for proper work.
beta-version of plugin for CloudLinux 5 / 6 i386 / x86_64 can be downloaded from the link https://my.isplicense.ru/pub/ispmgr-mod-lve/ (choose the required version and architecture) and install by the command yum localinstall --nogpgcheck ispmgr-mod-lve-*
The version with current features and bug fixing is always available free.
Future features:
- SecureLVE management (including automatic user transfer to SecureLVE right after the creation)
- Mutual with ISPmanager Cluster reports about users load (for automatic load accounting in BILLmanager)
Unknown mistakes:
- Sometimes the restriction for CPU quantity can be executed after server reset. This is not plugin bug but a problem in CloudLinux, which are promised to be solved in September.
You can ask our technical support for any questions about the module work.