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Home / Knowledge base / How to change Billmanager 4 version?

How to change Billmanager 4 version?

Let us suppose you have now Standard version to update to Advanced.

You should fistly change the license of billing to Advanced. Please enter our billing system (https://my.isplicense.ru/manager/billmgr) in the line «ISPsystem License» choose your license and click "Change".

Please check your current version before updating the billing on the server. You can check it in your billing system in the menu «Updates» and choose «Settings»

Please pay your attention that you will need «Version type» after. If the fields «Current version» and «Last version» differ, please click «To update».

Log in to the server as root user. You will need install.stable.tgz archive (install.tgz fot beta version) from Advanced version, that one can download from the website http://download.ispsystem.com. Pay your attention to the used OS system, its architecture and version type (stable or beta) while downloading.

Download install.tgz for Centos 5 64bit

wget http://download.ispsystem.com/CentOS-5/x86_64/BILLmanager-Advanced/install.stable.tgz

Delete license file

rm /usr/local/ispmgr/etc/billmgr.lic

Finish billing work

killall billmgr 

Unpack the archive over current files

tar xzf install.stable.tgz -C /usr/local/ispmgr

Go to panel folder

cd /usr/local/ispmgr 

Run 2 comands

cp etc/dist/billmgr_dashboard_5.xml etc/
rm -f var/userconf/billmgr.*.dashboard.xml


Go to the billing system in section«Updates» -> «Settings» and check the version:

 The changing from Standard to Advanced version is over.